The Segura basin (CHS) has decided to close the facility at the hydroelectric plant of El Menju in Cieza, since they were in a state of permanent decay.
The decision will restore the area of Public Water (DPH) and end the diversion of water from the river Segura to the aforementioned complex.
The CHS has acted in office to verify that the power plant had already inactive and time that the building and machinery associated with its operation were damaged.
The Menju had a hydroelectric concession allowing him to divert 8,000 liters per second of the so-called Safe Break The Menjú, an exemption that was still in force despite the abandonment of the complex.
For this reason, the basin organization Iberdrola Renovables informed its intention to commence the file expiration of the concession, which allows DPH regulations when it finds permanent discontinuation of the operation for three consecutive years, its owner.
It was also noted the company demolished the convenience of the plant, due to its utter ruin situation, which prevented maintain in good condition and guarded the building.
Iberdrola has accepted for permission to start the demolition.
Source: CHS